
Privacy Policy
Data of personal health information of your patients is protected with us. We do not sell data.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is most inportant for us. This statement describes how staffdino (referred to below as WB) collects, uses and protects the personal information of your business. It also explains about your rights, consent and how should you contact us in case of any need.

To Whom Does This Privacy Policy Apply To

This document applies to the businesses that use our services. WB will not be responsible for the privacy compliance of third party integrations in the website such as Payment Gateways.

Who is WB?

WB provides latest technology solutions for managing businesses like Firms, pharmacies and hospitals online. WB follows SaaS model of business.

Sources of Personal Information

WB obtains personal information from you through:

1. The data you enter in our website software while using it to manage your business.

2. The logs collected by our system based upon the events the execute as per the actions performed by you in our software.

Types of Information that WB collects

This depends upon the package that you have subscribed to from the list of packages that WB provides

For Firm package, we will collect your staff information, your Firm geographical details, license, doctor details, patient details, visit details, billing and appointments information.

Usage of data that WB collects

WB uses your data to:

1. provide you online services so that you can access the data when needed.

2. run AI algorithm to provide better results for your business.

How Long Do We Keep Data?

This is based upon the following:

1. as determined by the law

2. as long as it is needed by your business

Your Rights and Consent

WB complies with the Data Proctection laws applicable in India.

These laws give you the right to request, restrict, rectify and erase your personal information.

You have the general right to have your data erased.

Your data will never be sold to the third party.

You have the right to ask for the details for your data with WB.

In case of Data Breach or Hacking

In this rare unlikely event, WB team will take remedial actions in the timely manner and notify you.

How to contact us

You can contact us by clicking on the Contact us link in the header.

Terms of Service

Privacy Policy

Refund Policy
